5th PCNS Info & Downloads
9-12th September 2025, University of Seville, Spain
Program Outline in Brief:
- Tuesday 9th September – Pre-Event Day
- after 1PM Workshops and US tour
- Wednesday 10th September: 1st Conference Day
- from 9AM, Registration from 8AM
- Welcome Drink Social Event at US
- Thursday 11th September: 2nd Conference Day
- Hot Topic Panel Discussion
- Alter Test Facility Tour
- Gala Dinner outside US
- Thursday 11th September: 2nd Conference Day
- Friday 12th September: Final Day
- Awards
- PCNS closure
Note: subject to change, preliminary program to be issued by 16th June 2025
PCNS Rates
PCNS Symposium is eligible for the EPCIA Student Award that grants all students – graduate and PhD candidates – with the possibility to attend the conference and present their thesis on passive components to an expert audience. The Award is initiated and granted by the European Passive Component Industry Association (EPCIA) – for more information see: https://www.eusemiconductors.eu/epcia/epcia-student-award
5th PCNS Sponsorship Options
Each exhibitor & sponsorship includes:
- Company logo projected on the presentation sponsor slides of the conference opening session
- Company logo included in the conference proceedings
- Company name, logo and link posted on sponsors’ page of the conference website
- Sponsor recognition in all printed and online promotional materials
- Opportunity to insert or distribute information and/or products in the registration bags depending on the option : notepads, flyers, brochures, pens, pins
Detailed Exhibitor Instructions:
Speaker Instructions about the paper template, presentation and slides preparation:
EPCI PCNS Instructions for Authors
Publication Agreement:
EPCI PCNS Publication Agreement
Paper Template Example:
PCNS Antitrust Compliance Declaration
- PCNS organizers takes antitrust law considerations seriously. The purpose of PCNS Passive Components Networking Symposium is to help participants to understand major issues related to passive component industry, its barriers, news and challenges.
- PCNS organizers reminds all the participants of the need to be mindful of the requirement to comply with antitrust and competion laws.
- There should be no discuss of any matters relating to competition among participants, including discussion of individual prices, rates or market strategies and no exchange of information concerning any other competitive aspects of an individual company’s operation.
- Should any participant to this conference attempt to initiate discussion with other participant on this matters, we recommend to participants end the conversation immediately, and at all times act in accordance with their own antitrust compliance policies and all applicable laws
GDPR Compliance Declaration
PCNS conference and EPCI as the main organizer of the event are following and comply to the EU GDPR policy.
The following procedures and actions are implemented:
- the necessary personal and other data are collected only for reference and communication purposes
- personal data are stored by internal EPCI databased not shared with other third parties, nor for marketing campaigns
- no sensitive personal data are collected
- photography at the event is allowed for private use only, unless permitted by the organizers
Travel Guide – How to Get There – detail guide is under preparation
Map and Location:
5th PCNS 2025 event location:
Universidad de Sevilla
ETSI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería),
Av. Camino de los Descubrimientos,
Seville, Spain
Google Map Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VhAbFbbwVr3JCNs5A